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Simplify handling of secondary sprite table.

We now keep a buffer that has one byte per sprite, and later pack it
into the bitfield format wanted by OAM, instead of calculating the
bitfield manually during UpdateWorld
Colin McMillen 9 years ago
  1. 74


@ -36,11 +36,12 @@
.define shotArrayLength 4
; TODO(mcmillen): verify that we can relocate these without messing things up.
.define numSprites 128
.define spriteTableStart $100
.define spriteTable1Size $200
.define spriteTable2Start $300 ; TODO(mcmillen): use this.
.define spriteTable2Start $300
.define spriteTableSize $220
.define spriteTableScratchStart $320
; Stores result to A.
; Assumes 16-bit X & 8-bit A.
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ InitializeSpriteTables:
; bits 0,2,4,6 - High bit of the sprite's x-coordinate.
; bits 1,3,5,7 - Toggle Sprite size: 0 - small size 1 - large size
; Setting all the high bits keeps the sprites offscreen.
lda #%0101010101010101
lda #$FFFF
sta spriteTableStart, X
@ -302,6 +303,7 @@ MainLoop:
jsr JoypadDebug
jsr JoypadHandler
jsr UpdateWorld
jsr FillSecondarySpriteTable
jsr SetBackgroundColor
jmp MainLoop
@ -430,7 +432,6 @@ MaybeShoot:
cmp #0
bne ++
ldx nextShotPtr
stx $0060
; Enable shot; set its position to player position.
lda #1
sta 0, X
@ -459,6 +460,14 @@ MaybeShoot:
; TODO(mcmillen): separate out "update world" from "update sprite table".
; Zero out the scratch space for the secondary sprite table.
ldx #0
stz spriteTableScratchStart, X
cpx #numSprites
bne -
; Update shot cooldown.
lda shotCooldown
cmp #0
@ -479,13 +488,11 @@ UpdateWorld:
lda #%00110000
sta $0103
; Clear x-MSB so that the sprite is displayed.
lda spriteTable2Start
and #%11111110
ora #%00000010 ; ... and make it the large size. (32x32)
sta spriteTable2Start
lda #%01000000
sta spriteTableScratchStart
; Move shot coords and copy into sprite table.
ldx #0
ldy #0 ; Position in secondary scratch sprite table.
; To modify sprite table 2 - one bit set for each active shot.
; These bits will be *removed* from the sprite table entry.
stz $00
@ -512,9 +519,9 @@ UpdateShot:
lda #8 ; which sprite?
sta $0112, X
lda $00
ora #%01000000
sta $00
; Update secondary sprite table.
lda #%01000000
sta spriteTableScratchStart + 4, Y
jmp ShotDone
@ -528,12 +535,9 @@ ShotDone:
.rept 4
cpx #16
cpx #(4 * shotArrayLength)
bne UpdateShot
; Set the enable/disable (and size) bits of the shot sprites.
lda #$ff
eor $00
sta $0301
; Make the background scroll. Horizontal over time; vertical depending on
; player's y-coordinate.
@ -552,6 +556,42 @@ ShotDone:
; The secondary sprite table wants 2 bits for each sprite: one to set the
; sprite's size, and one that's the high bit of the sprite's x-coordinate.
; It's annoying to deal with bitfields when thinking about business logic,
; so the spriteTableScratch array contains one byte for each sprite, in
; which the two most significant bits are the "size" and "upper x" bits.
; This function is meant to be called after UpdateWorld, and packs those
; bytes into the actual bitfield that the OAM wants for the secondary
; sprite table.
ldx #0 ; Index into input table.
ldy #0 ; Index into output table.
stz $00 ; Current byte; filled out by a set of 4 input table entries.
.rept 4
; For each byte, the lower-order bits correspond to the lower-numbered
; sprites; therefore we insert the current sprite's bits "at the top"
; and shift them right for each successive sprite.
lsr $00
lsr $00
lda spriteTableScratchStart, X
ora $00
sta $00
; TODO(mcmillen): change the semantics of the scratch table so that
; "1" = "big"?
lda $00
eor #$FF
sta spriteTable2Start, Y
cpx #numSprites
bne -
; The background-color bytes are (R, G, B), each ranging from [0-31].
; The palette color format is 15-bit: [0bbbbbgg][gggrrrrr]
