Refactor score rendering into reusable functions.

This commit is contained in:
Colin McMillen 2015-06-07 11:34:03 -04:00
parent bb674fced2
commit 448fcfdde3

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@ -747,7 +747,6 @@ ShotDone:
; $02: half of the shot's size.
; $03: x-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; $04: y-coordinate of shot's upper-left.
; Modifies:
; $05
@ -885,7 +884,7 @@ CheckCollisionsWithEnemies:
sed ; Set decimal mode.
lda playerScore
adc #1
adc #1 ; We can't just "inc"; it doesn't know about decimal mode.
sta playerScore
cld ; Clear decimal mode.
@ -1061,86 +1060,19 @@ UpdateSprites: ; TODO: refactor into smaller pieces.
; Sprites to show player score.
; TODO: refactor how player score is displayed.
; First digit.
lda playerScore
and #$0F
adc #64 ; Base index of digit sprites.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda #(252 - 7)
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda #(252 - 7 * 6)
sta $00 ; x-position
lda #212
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Set priority bits so that the sprite is drawn in front.
lda #%00110000
sta spriteTableStart + 3, X
lda #%01000000 ; Enable small sprite.
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
; Second digit.
lda playerScore
.rept 4
adc #64 ; Base index of digit sprites.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda #(252 - 7 * 2)
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda #212
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Set priority bits so that the sprite is drawn in front.
lda #%00110000
sta spriteTableStart + 3, X
lda #%01000000 ; Enable small sprite.
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
; Third digit.
sta $01 ; y-position
stz $02 ; Don't render leading zeroes.
stz $03 ; ... not even for the second digit.
lda playerScore + 1
and #$0F
adc #64 ; Base index of digit sprites.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda #(252 - 7 * 3)
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda #212
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Set priority bits so that the sprite is drawn in front.
lda #%00110000
sta spriteTableStart + 3, X
lda #%01000000 ; Enable small sprite.
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
; Fourth digit.
lda playerScore + 1
.rept 4
adc #64 ; Base index of digit sprites.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda #(252 - 7 * 4)
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda #212
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Set priority bits so that the sprite is drawn in front.
lda #%00110000
sta spriteTableStart + 3, X
lda #%01000000 ; Enable small sprite.
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
jsr RenderTwoDigits
lda playerScore
jsr RenderTwoDigits
inc $03 ; Render rightmost zero always.
lda #0
jsr RenderTwoDigits
; Now clear out the unused entries in the sprite table.
@ -1155,6 +1087,98 @@ UpdateSprites: ; TODO: refactor into smaller pieces.
; Expects:
; A: number to display (a byte where each nybble is from 0-9).
; X/Y: pointing at appropriate locations into the sprite tables.
; $00: x-position to render the leftmost digit into.
; $01: y-position to render the leftmost digit into.
; $02: if set, render leading zeroes.
; $03: if set, always render the zero for the low-order digit.
; Updates:
; X & Y to point at the next locations in the sprite tables.
; The sprite tables, to add (up to) 2 sprites for digits.
; $00: x-position to render additional digits into.
; $02: whether to render leading zeroes.
; $04-$06 (scratch).
; Store the high digit in $05 and the low digit in $06.
sta $06
.rept 4
sta $05
lda $06
and #$0F
sta $06
; Render the first digit.
lda $05
jsr RenderDigit
lda $00
adc #7
sta $00
; Set "render zero" for rightmost digit to true if requested.
lda $02
ora $03
sta $02
; Render the second digit.
lda $06
jsr RenderDigit
lda $00
adc #7
sta $00
; Expects:
; A: number to display (from 0-9).
; X/Y: pointing at appropriate locations into the sprite tables.
; $00: x-position to render the digit into.
; $01: y-position to render the digit into.
; $02: whether to render if the number is zero.
; Updates:
; X & Y to point at the next locations in the sprite tables.
; The sprite tables, to add (up to) 1 sprite for digits.
; $02: whether to render further leading zeroes.
; $04 (scratch).
sta $04
cmp #0
bne + ; Non-zero: render it regardless.
lda $02
cmp #0
bne + ; Render because "render zeroes" is set.
rts ; Nothing to render.
lda #1
sta $02 ; Render leading zeroes from here on out.
lda $04
adc #64 ; Base index of digit sprites.
sta spriteTableStart + 2, X ; sprite number
lda $00
sta spriteTableStart, X ; x
lda $01
sta spriteTableStart + 1, X ; y
; Set priority bits so that the sprite is drawn in front.
lda #%00110000
sta spriteTableStart + 3, X
lda #%01000000 ; Enable small sprite.
sta spriteTableScratchStart, Y
; The secondary sprite table wants 2 bits for each sprite: one to set the
; sprite's size, and one that's the high bit of the sprite's x-coordinate.