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World: rearrange a bunch of code to be in a more sensible order

Colin McMillen 4 years ago
  1. 136


@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ using System.Linq;
namespace SemiColinGames {
public class Tile {
public static int CompareByX(Tile t1, Tile t2) {
return t1.Position.X.CompareTo(t2.Position.X);
private TextureRef texture;
private Rectangle textureSource;
@ -29,19 +33,19 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
public class World {
public const int TileSize = 16;
// Size of World in terms of tile grid.
private int gridWidth;
private int gridHeight;
// TODO: remove this.
public const int TileSize = 16;
readonly Tile[] obstacles;
readonly Tile[] decorations;
private readonly Tile[] obstacles;
private readonly Tile[] decorations;
// Kept around for resetting the world's entities after player death or level restart.
readonly JToken entitiesLayer;
private readonly JToken entitiesLayer;
private NPC[] npcs;
NPC[] npcs;
public Player Player { get; private set; }
public AABB[] CollisionTargets { get; }
// Size of World in pixels.
public int Width {
@ -52,61 +56,6 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
get { return gridHeight * TileSize; }
private List<Tile> ParseLayer(JToken layer) {
string layerName = layer.SelectToken("name").Value<string>();
var tileList = new List<Tile>();
int layerWidth = layer.SelectToken("gridCellsX").Value<int>();
int layerHeight = layer.SelectToken("gridCellsY").Value<int>();
gridWidth = Math.Max(gridWidth, layerWidth);
gridHeight = Math.Max(gridHeight, layerHeight);
int dataIndex = -1;
int tileWidth = layer.SelectToken("gridCellWidth").Value<int>();
int tileHeight = layer.SelectToken("gridCellHeight").Value<int>();
int textureWidth = Textures.Grassland.Get.Width / tileWidth;
foreach (int textureIndex in layer.SelectToken("data").Values<int>()) {
if (textureIndex == -1) {
int i = dataIndex % layerWidth;
int j = dataIndex / layerWidth;
Rectangle position = new Rectangle(
i * tileWidth, j * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
int x = textureIndex % textureWidth;
int y = textureIndex / textureWidth;
Rectangle textureSource = new Rectangle(
x * tileWidth, y * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
bool isHazard = layerName == "hazards";
tileList.Add(new Tile(Textures.Grassland, textureSource, position, isHazard));
return tileList;
private (Player, NPC[]) ParseEntities(JToken layer) {
Player player = null;
List<NPC> npcs = new List<NPC>();
foreach (JToken entity in layer.SelectToken("entities").Children()) {
string name = entity.SelectToken("name").Value<string>();
int x = entity.SelectToken("x").Value<int>();
int y = entity.SelectToken("y").Value<int>();
int facing = entity.SelectToken("flippedX").Value<bool>() ? -1 : 1;
if (name == "player") {
player = new Player(new Point(x, y), facing);
} else if (name == "executioner") {
npcs.Add(new NPC(new Point(x, y), facing));
return (player, npcs.ToArray());
static int CompareByX(Tile t1, Tile t2) {
return t1.Position.X.CompareTo(t2.Position.X);
public World(string json) {
JObject root = JObject.Parse(json);
@ -135,7 +84,7 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
// Get all the obstacles into a single array, sorted by X.
obstacles = obstacleTiles.ToArray();
Array.Sort(obstacles, CompareByX);
Array.Sort(obstacles, Tile.CompareByX);
// The background tiles are added before the rest of the decorations, so that they're drawn
// in the back.
@ -162,6 +111,61 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
new Vector2(Width + 1, 0), new Vector2(1, float.MaxValue));
private List<Tile> ParseLayer(JToken layer) {
string layerName = layer.SelectToken("name").Value<string>();
var tileList = new List<Tile>();
int layerWidth = layer.SelectToken("gridCellsX").Value<int>();
int layerHeight = layer.SelectToken("gridCellsY").Value<int>();
gridWidth = Math.Max(gridWidth, layerWidth);
gridHeight = Math.Max(gridHeight, layerHeight);
int dataIndex = -1;
int tileWidth = layer.SelectToken("gridCellWidth").Value<int>();
int tileHeight = layer.SelectToken("gridCellHeight").Value<int>();
int textureWidth = Textures.Grassland.Get.Width / tileWidth;
foreach (int textureIndex in layer.SelectToken("data").Values<int>()) {
if (textureIndex == -1) {
int i = dataIndex % layerWidth;
int j = dataIndex / layerWidth;
Rectangle position = new Rectangle(
i * tileWidth, j * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
int x = textureIndex % textureWidth;
int y = textureIndex / textureWidth;
Rectangle textureSource = new Rectangle(
x * tileWidth, y * tileHeight, tileWidth, tileHeight);
bool isHazard = layerName == "hazards";
tileList.Add(new Tile(Textures.Grassland, textureSource, position, isHazard));
return tileList;
private (Player, NPC[]) ParseEntities(JToken layer) {
Player player = null;
List<NPC> npcs = new List<NPC>();
foreach (JToken entity in layer.SelectToken("entities").Children()) {
string name = entity.SelectToken("name").Value<string>();
int x = entity.SelectToken("x").Value<int>();
int y = entity.SelectToken("y").Value<int>();
int facing = entity.SelectToken("flippedX").Value<bool>() ? -1 : 1;
if (name == "player") {
player = new Player(new Point(x, y), facing);
} else if (name == "executioner") {
npcs.Add(new NPC(new Point(x, y), facing));
return (player, npcs.ToArray());
private void Reset() {
(Player, npcs) = ParseEntities(entitiesLayer);
public void Update(float modelTime, History<Input> input) {
Player.Update(modelTime, this, input);
foreach (NPC npc in npcs) {
@ -172,10 +176,6 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
void Reset() {
(Player, npcs) = ParseEntities(entitiesLayer);
// Draws everything that's behind the player, from back to front.
public void DrawBackground(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) {
foreach (Tile t in decorations) {
@ -192,7 +192,5 @@ namespace SemiColinGames {
public AABB[] CollisionTargets { get; }