
207 lines
6.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace SemiColinGames {
class Player {
// The player's Facing corresponds to the x-direction that they're looking.
enum Facing {
Left = -1,
Right = 1
enum Pose { Walking, Standing, Crouching, Stretching, SwordSwing, Jumping };
private const int moveSpeed = 180;
private const int jumpSpeed = -600;
private const int gravity = 2400;
private const int spriteSize = 48;
// TODO: rename to spriteHalfWidth / spriteHalfHeight.
private const int spriteWidth = 7;
private const int spriteHeight = 13;
private readonly Texture2D texture;
private Point position = new Point(64, 16 * 10);
private int jumps = 0;
private Facing facing = Facing.Right;
private Pose pose = Pose.Jumping;
private double swordSwingTime = 0;
private double jumpTime = 0;
private float ySpeed = 0;
public Player(Texture2D texture) {
this.texture = texture;
public Point Position { get { return position; } }
public void Update(float modelTime, History<Input> input, Aabb[] collisionTargets) {
Aabb BoxOffset(Point position, int yOffset) {
return new Aabb(new Vector2(position.X, position.Y - 7 + spriteHeight + yOffset),
new Vector2(spriteWidth, spriteHeight));
Aabb Box(Point position) {
return BoxOffset(position, 0);
Vector2 movement = HandleInput(modelTime, input);
// Broad test: remove all collision targets nowhere near the player.
var candidates = new List<Aabb>();
// TODO: This is strictly larger than it needs to be. We could expand only in the actual
// direction of movement.
Aabb largeBox = new Aabb(
new Vector2(position.X, position.Y - 7 + spriteHeight), // current player position
new Vector2(spriteWidth + Math.Abs(movement.X), spriteHeight + Math.Abs(movement.Y)));
foreach (var box in collisionTargets) {
if (box.Intersect(largeBox) != null) {
Debug.AddRect(box, Color.Green);
Point[] movePoints = Line.Rasterize(0, 0, (int) movement.X, (int) movement.Y);
for (int i = 1; i < movePoints.Length; i++) {
int dx = movePoints[i].X - movePoints[i - 1].X;
int dy = movePoints[i].Y - movePoints[i - 1].Y;
if (dy != 0) {
Point newPosition = new Point(position.X, position.Y + dy);
Aabb player = Box(newPosition);
bool reject = false;
foreach (var box in candidates) {
if (box.Intersect(player) != null) {
reject = true;
if (!reject) {
position = newPosition;
if (dx != 0) {
Point newPosition = new Point(position.X + dx, position.Y);
Aabb player = Box(newPosition);
bool reject = false;
foreach (var box in candidates) {
if (box.Intersect(player) != null) {
reject = true;
if (!reject) {
position = newPosition;
bool standingOnGround = false;
Aabb groundIntersect = BoxOffset(position, 1);
foreach (var box in candidates) {
if (groundIntersect.Intersect(box) != null) {
standingOnGround = true;
if (standingOnGround) {
jumps = 1;
ySpeed = -0.0001f;
Debug.AddRect(Box(position), Color.Cyan);
} else {
jumps = 0;
Debug.AddRect(Box(position), Color.Orange);
if (movement.X > 0) {
facing = Facing.Right;
} else if (movement.X < 0) {
facing = Facing.Left;
if (swordSwingTime > 0) {
pose = Pose.SwordSwing;
} else if (jumps == 0) {
pose = Pose.Jumping;
} else if (movement.X != 0) {
pose = Pose.Walking;
} else if (input[0].Motion.Y > 0) {
pose = Pose.Stretching;
} else if (input[0].Motion.Y < 0) {
pose = Pose.Crouching;
} else {
pose = Pose.Standing;
// Returns the desired (dx, dy) for the player to move this frame.
Vector2 HandleInput(float modelTime, History<Input> input) {
Vector2 result = new Vector2() {
X = (int) (input[0].Motion.X * moveSpeed * modelTime)
if (input[0].Jump && !input[1].Jump && jumps > 0) {
jumpTime = 0.3;
ySpeed = jumpSpeed;
if (input[0].Attack && !input[1].Attack && swordSwingTime <= 0) {
swordSwingTime = 0.3;
result.Y = ySpeed * modelTime;
ySpeed += gravity * modelTime;
jumpTime -= modelTime;
swordSwingTime -= modelTime;
return result;
private int SpriteIndex(Pose pose) {
int frameNum = (int) Clock.ModelTime.TotalMilliseconds / 125 % 4;
if (frameNum == 3) {
frameNum = 1;
switch (pose) {
case Pose.Walking:
return 6 + frameNum;
case Pose.Stretching:
return 18 + frameNum;
case Pose.Jumping:
if (jumpTime > 0.2) {
return 15;
} else if (jumpTime > 0.1) {
return 16;
} else {
return 17;
case Pose.SwordSwing:
if (swordSwingTime > 0.2) {
return 30;
} else if (swordSwingTime > 0.1) {
return 31;
} else {
return 32;
case Pose.Crouching:
return 25;
case Pose.Standing:
return 7;
public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Camera camera) {
int index = SpriteIndex(pose);
Rectangle textureSource = new Rectangle(index * spriteSize, 0, spriteSize, spriteSize);
Vector2 spriteCenter = new Vector2(spriteSize / 2, spriteSize / 2);
SpriteEffects effect = facing == Facing.Right ?
SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally : SpriteEffects.None;
Vector2 drawPos = new Vector2(position.X - camera.Left, position.Y);
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, drawPos, textureSource, Color.White, 0f, spriteCenter,
Vector2.One, effect, 0f);