#!/usr/bin/env python3 import glob import json import os import pprint # pylint: disable=unused-import import re import sys import pygame # The guide in tiles/guide.png is quite helpful. # TODO: sort the stuff in free/ and noncommercial/ # TODO: in future/100/characters there are some doors, conveyor belts, screens SPRITE_FILES = [ 'animals/sheets/*.png', 'beasttribes/100/*.png', 'characters/sheets/*.png', 'christmas/1x/gnome*.png', 'christmas/1x/reindeer*.png', 'christmas/1x/rudolph*.png', 'christmas/1x/xmas*.png', 'dwarvesvselves/regularsize/*.png', 'future/100/characters/cars.png', 'future/100/characters/future*.png', 'future/100/characters/military*.png', 'future/100/characters/modern*.png', 'halloween/ghost1.png', 'halloween/horseman/*1.png', 'halloween/reaper/*1.png', 'halloween/witch/1x/*.png', 'lichcrusades/100/*.png', 'monsters/1x/*.png', 'mythicalbosses/100/*.png', 'mythicalbosses/dinosaurs/*.png', 'npcanimations/rpgmaker/1/*.png', 'ship/100/char/airship*.png', 'ship/100/char/boat*.png', 'ship/100/char/pirates_100.png', 'ship/100/char/ship*.png', ] SPRITE_SIDEVIEW_FILES = [ 'beasttribes/100/sv_battler/*.png', 'future/100/svbattler/*.png', # TODO: these need to get scaled down 2x before they can be used. 'sv_battle/RMMV/sv_actors/*.png', ] TILESET_FILES = [ 'ashlands/ashlands_tileset.png', 'atlantis/tf_atlantis_tiles.png', 'beach/beach_tileset.png', 'christmas/1x/addon_igloo_1.png', 'christmas/1x/christmas*.png', 'cloud/cloud_tileset.png', 'darkdimension/tf_darkdimension_sheet.png', 'farmandfort/ff_master_tile_sheet.png', 'future/100/tilesets/*.png', 'gianttree/tf_gianttree_tiles.png', 'halloween/tiles/*1.png', 'jungle/tf_jungle_tileset.png', 'patron/train_sheet_1.png', 'ruindungeons/ruindungeons_sheet_full.png', 'ship/ship_big_tileset.png', 'tiles/TILESETS/*.png', 'winter/tiles/*.png', ] ANIMATION_FILES = [ 'patron/fireworks*_1.png', 'pixelanimations/animationsheets/*.png', 'ship/100/char/!$ship_wave*.png', 'sv_battle/RMMV/system/States.png', 'tiles/TILESETS/animated/*.png', ] ICON_FILES = [ 'farmandfort/IconSet/tf_icon_16.png', 'halloween/hallowicons_1.png', ] BACKGROUND_FILES = [ 'cloud/bg_*.png', 'future/100/other/spacebg.png', 'ship/100/parallax/*.png' ] def unglob(list_of_globs): result = [] for file in list_of_globs: globbed_files = glob.glob(file) assert globbed_files, 'glob for %s should be non-empty' % file result.extend(globbed_files) result.sort() return result def input_wh(prompt): while True: geometry = input(prompt).strip() try: cols, rows = [int(x) for x in geometry.split(' ')] return cols, rows except ValueError: pass # Returns True or False. def input_ok(prompt): while True: ok = input(prompt).strip() if ok.startswith('y'): return True if ok.startswith('n'): return False def draw_checkerboard(size): surface = pygame.display.get_surface() surface.fill((224, 224, 224)) for i in range(surface.get_width() // size + 1): for j in range(surface.get_height() // size + 1): if (i + j) % 2 == 0: continue rect = pygame.Rect(i * size, j * size, size, size) surface.fill((192, 192, 192), rect) def show_splits(image_width, image_height, cols, rows): surface = pygame.display.get_surface() split_width = image_width / cols split_height = image_height / rows for i in range(cols): for j in range(rows): rect = pygame.Rect( i * split_width, j * split_height, split_width + 1, split_height + 1) pygame.draw.rect(surface, (255, 0, 255), rect, 1) pygame.display.flip() def render_text(text, pos, color): surface = pygame.display.get_surface() font = pygame.font.SysFont('notomono', 16) image = font.render(text, True, color) surface.blit(image, pos) pygame.display.flip() def render_sprite(metadata): line_color = (255, 0, 255) surface = pygame.display.get_surface() draw_checkerboard(8) image = pygame.image.load(metadata['filename']) surface.blit(image, (0, 0)) if metadata.get('chunks'): for chunk in metadata['chunks']: rect = pygame.Rect( chunk['x'], chunk['y'], chunk['width'] + 1, chunk['height'] + 1) pygame.draw.rect(surface, line_color, rect, 1) label_pos = (chunk['x'] + 4, chunk['y']) render_text(str(chunk['index']), label_pos, line_color) caption_pos = (4, 4 + metadata['image_height'] + chunk['index'] * 20) caption = '%d: %s' % (chunk['index'], chunk.get('name', '')) render_text(caption, caption_pos, (0, 0, 0)) pygame.display.flip() def set_sprite_chunk_size(metadata): cols, rows = input_wh('how many columns & rows of sprites? ') metadata['chunk_columns'] = cols metadata['chunk_rows'] = rows metadata['chunk_width'] = metadata['image_width'] // cols metadata['chunk_height'] = metadata['image_height'] // rows metadata['chunks'] = [] for i in range(cols * rows): x = i % cols y = i // cols chunk_md = { 'index': i, 'x': x * metadata['chunk_width'], 'y': y * metadata['chunk_height'], 'width': metadata['chunk_width'], 'height': metadata['chunk_height'] } metadata['chunks'].append(chunk_md) render_sprite(metadata) def edit_sprite_chunk_metadata(chunk): while True: name = input('name for chunk #%d: ' % chunk['index']).strip() if re.fullmatch(r'\w+', name): chunk['name'] = name return def edit_sprite_metadata(filename, metadata=None): if metadata is None: image = pygame.image.load(filename) metadata = { 'filename': filename, 'image_width': image.get_width(), 'image_height': image.get_height(), } print('\nprocessing %s (%dx%d)' % ( filename, metadata['image_width'], metadata['image_height'])) render_sprite(metadata) if not metadata.get('chunk_width'): set_sprite_chunk_size(metadata) while True: render_sprite(metadata) prompt = 'edit (c)hunk sizes, type a chunk #, (n)ext, or (q)uit: ' choice = input(prompt).strip() if choice == 'n': return metadata, False elif choice == 'q': return metadata, True elif choice == 'c': set_sprite_chunk_size(metadata) elif re.fullmatch(r'\d+', choice): chunk_num = int(choice) if 0 <= chunk_num < len(metadata['chunks']): edit_sprite_chunk_metadata(metadata['chunks'][chunk_num]) else: print('invalid chunk #') else: print('invalid choice') def annotate_sprites(all_metadata, sprite_files): pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((1200, 900), pygame.RESIZABLE) for filename in sprite_files: sprite_metadata, should_quit = edit_sprite_metadata( filename, all_metadata.get(filename)) all_metadata[filename] = sprite_metadata with open('sprites.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(all_metadata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) if should_quit: return def get_named_sprites(metadata): result = {} for filename in metadata: sprite = metadata[filename] for chunk in sprite.get('chunks', []): name = chunk.get('name', '') if not name: continue if name in result: print('warning: duplicated sprite name ', name) sys.exit(1) result[name] = chunk return result def check_sprites(metadata): named_sprites = get_named_sprites(metadata) print('# named sprites:', len(named_sprites)) with open('sprites.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(metadata, f, sort_keys=True, indent=2) def stitch_sprites(metadata, filename_base): sprites = get_named_sprites(metadata) max_height = 0 total_width = 0 for sprite_name, sprite in sprites.items(): total_width += sprite['width'] max_height = max(max_height, sprite['height']) print('\n# named sprites:', len(sprites)) print('result will be %dx%d' % (total_width, max_height)) output = pygame.surface.Surface( (total_width, max_height), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA) output_json = {} xpos = 0 for sprite_name, sprite in sprites.items(): sprite_image = pygame.image.load(sprite['filename']) area = pygame.Rect( sprite['x'], sprite['y'], sprite['width'], sprite['height']) output_json[sprite_name] = { 'name': sprite['name'], 'x': xpos, 'y': 0, 'width': sprite['width'], 'height': sprite['height'] } output.blit(sprite_image, (xpos, 0), area) xpos += sprite['width'] image_filename = os.path.expanduser(filename_base) + '.png' print('saving image to', image_filename) pygame.image.save(output, image_filename) json_filename = os.path.expanduser(filename_base) + '.js' print('saving json to', json_filename) with open(json_filename, 'w') as json_file: json_file.write('const spritesheet_json = ') json.dump(output_json, json_file, sort_keys=True, indent=2) json_file.write(';') def main(args): os.chdir(os.path.expanduser('~/snej/assets/time_fantasy')) sprite_files = unglob(SPRITE_FILES) tileset_files = unglob(TILESET_FILES) animation_files = unglob(ANIMATION_FILES) icon_files = unglob(ICON_FILES) background_files = unglob(BACKGROUND_FILES) print('\nsprites: %d tilesets: %d animations: %d icons: %d backgrounds: %d' % (len(sprite_files), len(tileset_files), len(animation_files), len(icon_files), len(background_files))) if len(args) < 1: return command = args[0] with open('sprites.json') as f: metadata = json.load(f) if command == 'annotate-sprites': annotate_sprites(metadata, sprite_files) elif command == 'check-sprites': check_sprites(metadata) elif command == 'stitch-sprites': if len(args) < 2: print('need FILENAME_BASE') return filename_base = args[1] stitch_sprites(metadata, filename_base) else: print('unrecognized command "%s"' % command) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1:])